6 Tips For Effective Logistics Management
July 24, 2017
The Convenience of Using an On-Demand Courier Service
September 28, 2017

5 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Local Courier Service

If you are looking to skip big name carriers and are sick of waiting for the postal service, then you should look to hire a local courier. Local trucking & courier companies offer quick, affordable and high quality delivery services to their clients and are a great option to consider. If you are going through the process of hiring one of these firms to handle your logistics you will want to make sure you are getting the best service out there. In order to do this, there are some questions you are going to ask in order to get the information you need to make a decision.

How Reliable and Professional Are Your Drivers?

When it comes to choosing a courier service you are choosing a company in which your packages and documents are to be delivered to their destinations on time and safely. By asking this you will also find out if a courier’s drivers are insured, have experience with deadlines, as well as hear first hand thoughts of drivers from their employers. Xpressman offers same day, scheduled and on-demand delivery solutions with reliable and professional drivers. Giving you a peace of mind that your packages are in good hands.

What Service Options Are Available?

Just like with any company you are considering to hire, you want to know the services they can provide. In addition, you want to work with a firm that has service options that fit your needs. At Xpressman, we offer an abundance of services for customers as well as business to business.

Courier Services Offered:

Business To Business Services:

What Kind of Technology Do You Use?

When it comes to couriers, you will want to use a firm that takes advantage of today’s technology. That way you can have a peace of mind with your packages being delivered on time. Couriers should have systems set up to track packages, notifications, billing payments, and more. At Xpressman, we take pride in the technology we have invested in to give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Technology Used at Xpressman:

  • Internet Order Entry.Customized computer dispatching system.
  • Ability to track driver’s location and delivery time up to the minute.
  • Signature and time of delivery available immediately.
  • Tech-oriented courteous staff members
  • Exception Notification
  • Electronic Billing

What Is Your Pricing Structure?

When looking for a delivery service to assist you with your day to day transactions, you will want to make sure it is a service you can afford. After going through the services that will be provided, ask about their pricing structure to see if it aligns with your budget. Quality courier firms will have forms to fill out to get a quick and free estimate of the service you are inquiring about.

What If I Have A Problem?

To further insure that you and your packages are in good hands, ask the firm in question about the possibility of problems arising. Professional companies should have customer service teams in place as well as a way to contact the business if anything were to go awry.

Call Now: (781) 836-4614!